NEW Kalashnikov Concern RPK-16 Machine Gun, VSV-338 Sniper Rifle, SVK Marksman Rifle & PL-15 Pistol

Возвращайте до 15% с покупок в любимых интернет магазинах. ePN Cashback - сервис от официального партнера AliExpress и GearBest Our friends at Kalashnikov Concern sent us promotional footage of their new firearms and kindly allowed us to publish it. Until Obama lifts the sanctions, this is the closest we are going to get to these awesome new firearms. The RPK-16 is being designed as a potential replacement for the RPK-74 squad support weapon, the VSV-338 is a long range sniper rifle is chambered for .338 Lapua Magnum. The SVK Marksman Rifle was developed at the request of Russian special operations forces for a tactical semi-automa
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