Altar Records studio - Profondita album presentation and new track mastered live

DJ Zen at Altar Records studio, live. May 12th, 2016 - Smiles - Profondita album presentation, - New track: Astral Waves “Les Liens du Sang’ (Profondita remix) mastered live - Love The studio comprises: Cubase 8.5, RME BabyFace soudcard, PC with Saberthooth X79 Mobo, Win7 Pro with 64 gig of DDR3 Ram, overclocked Core i7 and 2Tb HHD Samsung EVO 850. For the ultimate sound quality: Neumann KH 310 A monitors KH 810 Subwoofer on ISO Acoustics pads. A pair of Audeze LCD-XC and Access Virus TI.
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