Bird photography from a hide. Ep. 3: Building a reflection pool

In this vlog I am going to be building a reflection pool for bird photography. It is my first DIY project of making a reflection pond for garden bird photography. It has learned me a lot. I hope it is useful for your own projects. Or that you enjoy watching my struggles ;) Fine Art prints are available at my website. As well as a full list of my gear, with reasons I choose these. Visit: The NIK Collection is a set of plugins that allows me to achieve the photo that I have inside my head in an intuitive and creative way. You can find it here: TopazLabs has some amazing software to sharpen and denoise photos, based on artificial intelligence. Free trials are available, and with the discount code JKWildife you get 15% off. Visit their website here: DXO PhotoLab is an amazing RAW development tool. It can be partially automated, but everything can be done manually as well. In a very intuitive
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