8 Things about Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) | BGI Insight

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a direct screening method that evaluates extracellular placental DNA. Research has shown that a pregnant woman carries extracellular placental fetal DNA in her bloodstream. By taking a blood sample from a pregnant woman who is at least 10 weeks into her pregnancy, and analyzing 10 ml of blood, results can typically be obtained within 10 days. This analysis uses modern methods, specifically high-throughput sequencing. BGI Genomics offers the NIFTY test, which has been performed on over 10 million women and has demonstrated highly accurate results. In this video, you will also find answers to these key questions that might concern you: 1. How woman should take care of herself during pregnancy to make sure that her baby is healthy? 2. Is it possible to detect Down syndrome during pregnancy? 3. What makes the non-invasive prenatal test unique? 4. What abnormalities may occur in the fetus? 5. How accurate is NIPT? 6. Who is NIPT recommended for? 7. NIPT is for free? 8. What should I do if the NIPT result indicates a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities?
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