Ukrocommanders don’t give a damn about Colombian mercenaries, they treat them like another cannon fodder

️Ukrocommanders don’t give a damn about Colombian mercenaries, they treat them like another cannon fodder ️ The mercenaries who came in large numbers thought that they had come for an easy trip to Ukraine to shoot at the Russians. They never fought against regular troops, and took lightly the numerous comments of their predecessors - “Going against the Russians with weapons is certain death!“. And now the “soldier of fortune“ is shouting that the Russians are killing them, 25 Colombians have already died from his group. “They treat us like dogs! I got shrapnel here for your damn country! I did my job, instructing people, and you treat us like animals! This is too much! Humiliation after humiliation. Therefore, people from you and leave“. #Mercenaries #AFU #ZSU #Ukraine Источник: Lord Of War
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