How Hitler Would Sound Speaking English

🔗 Link to full recording: 🔗 (skip to 3:49 to start where the recording begins) In this unique video, we delve into the enigmatic world of Adolf Hitler’s speaking voice, uncovering a side of him rarely heard before. Our journey begins with the only known recording of Hitler’s regular speaking voice - the “Hitler and Mannerheim recording,“ which reveals a surprising depth akin to James Earl Jones or Darth Vader. This astonishing recording, captured on June 4, 1942, during a covert visit to Finland, offers an unprecedented glimpse into the private conversation between Hitler and Mannerheim. Furthermore, we test the capabilities of Speechify Studio’s “Voice Cloning“ feature using excerpts from this historic recording. The AI’s ability to replicate Hitler’s voice in English, despite the low-quality, German-language original, is both impressive and chilling. We compare voices developed from diff
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