a great weaver.

#Афина #Арахна “The women of Mygdonia bowed and hid Their faces in terror. Only Arachne brazenly Defied the goddess, with a glare. She flushed deep red In the rush of her anger, then paled – As the dawn crimsons then pales. But she stuck to her challenge. Too eager For the greater glory to be won, She plunged with all her giddy vanity Into destruction.“ “In “Metamorphoses“, Ovid writes that Arachne was a shepherd’s daughter who began weaving at an early age. She became a great weaver, boasted that her skill was greater than Athena’s, and refused to acknowledge that her skill came, at least in part, from the goddess. Athena took offense and set up a contest between them.“ Hypnos & Thanatos - Hades & Persephone - Hermes & Apollo - #fanvidfeed #mythology
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