Alan Price - Look Over Your Shoulder // O Lucky Man!

Alan Price - Look Over Your Shoulder // O Lucky Man! Из легендарного фильма Линдсея Андерсона “О, Счастливчик!“ - 1973. В главных ролях: Малколм Макдауэлл, Хелен Миррен и сам Алан Прайс. Legendary film “O Lucky Man!“ - 1973. Directed by Lindsay Anderson. With Malcolm McDowell, Helen Mirren and Alan Price. When there’s a bluebird singing by your window pane And the sun shines bright all day through Don’t forget boy Look over your shoulder ’Cause there’s always someone coming after you (la la la la) When everything in life seems just as it should be At last success seems just around the door Don’t forget boy Look over your shoulder ’Cause things don’t stay the same forever more (la la la la) Hope springs eternal in a young man’s breast And he dreams of a better life ahead Without that dream you are nothing, nothing, nothing You have to find out for yourself that dream is dead (la la la
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