Atlantic Pact Nations Meet In Washington (1949)

Full title reads: “Atlantic Pact Nations Meet In Washington“. Washington DC, United States of America (USA). MS Exterior view of the Interdepartmental Auditorium in Washington. MS Pan over assembled delegates of the North Atlantic Council. CU Ernest Bevin chatting to Dean Acheson, American Secretary of State. MS Delegates including the Dutch delegates Van Kleffens. CU Side view Robert Schuman (France) chatting to another delegate. LS assembly. Vyshinsky arrive in New York for UNO (United Nations Organisation) Assembly. MS Mr Andrei Vyshinsky. Russian / Soviet delegate to UN standing at foot of plane steps on arrival at New York. CU Vyshinsky standing before Microphone speaking in English. “There can be no doubt that this general Assembly will be able to solve successfully the important tasks which face us, provided every member of the United Nations displays sincere desire to co-operate with each other and act in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter.“ Cataloguer’s Note:
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