Boxers Past And Present - Nottingham (1960)

Nottingham Ice Rink, Nottinghamshire. GV. Zoom in, Brian Curvis and Wally Swift moving round the ring in the first round of the Britain welterweight title boxing fight in Nottingham. Swift is on the left of picture with his initials and a stripe on his shorts. Swift lands a left to Curvis’ head. SCU. Promoter Reg King chatting to a friend. GV. The boxers in the ring exchange punches. SV. Swift on the ropes. Curvis moves in and lands two good punches before Swift forces him into a clinch. SCU. Two men in crowd. GV. The third round in progress. Curvis moves into the attack forcing Swift into a corner. Curvis keeps pressing his advantage. Boxers go into a clinch and move round so that Curvis has his back to the ropes. SCU. The boxers’ feet. SV. The boxers in a clinch, they break. SV. Swift lands a left to the head. Curvis fights back and drives Swift onto the ropes they clinch. SV. Crowd. GV. The boxers moving round the ring, & SV. SV. Crowd. SV. Curvis having landed a punch to Swift’s jaw has his back to camer
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