Sarah Mclachlan - Wintersong - текст, перевод, транскрипция

Поддержать канал: Мои книги на ЛитРес: Второй канал: Текст, перевод и транскрипция песни (двойные субтитры: русские и английские). Слова пронумерованы по частоте использования в языке (согласно словарю Collins): 1) - постоянно 2) - очень часто 3) - часто 4) - редко 5) - очень редко Текстовая версия: Текст песни “Wintersong“ The lake is frozen over, the trees are white with snow And all around reminders of you are everywhere I go It’s late and morning’s in no hurry But sleep won’t set me free I lie awake and try to recall How your body felt beside me When silence gets too hard to handle And the night too long And this is how I see you In the snow on Christmas morning Love and happiness surround you As you throw your arms up to the sky I keep this moment by and by Oh I miss you now, my love Merry Christmas, merry Christmas Merry Christmas, my love Sense of joy fills the air and I daydream and I stare Up at the tree and I see your star up there And this is how I see you In the snow on Christmas morning Love and happiness surround you As you throw your arms up to the sky I keep this moment by and by #английскийпопесням #переводпесен #английский #английскийязык #english
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