
\ 0:00 Course Overview and What you’ll Learn in this Course Basics and Key Concepts (For Beginners)\ 5:17 REST Introduction and REST Architecture 15:15 REST Key Concepts-Resource, URI and Sub-resource -Http Methods -HTTP API’s Design for Blog Application\ 39:02 Blog Application-High Level Requirements 41:35 Selecting The Technology Stack for Blog App 45:33 Identify Resources for Blog Application 46:53 Spring Boot Application Architecture 48:36 REST API Design for Post Resource -Comment Resource -SignupRegister to Spring Data JPA ( For Beginners)\ 59:01 Section Introduction 1:00:16 What is Spring Data JPA 1:08:44 Hibernate vs Spring Data JPA 1:16:41 Basic Flow of Spring Data JPA 1:20:30 Understanding Spring Data JPA Repository Interfaces and it’s Hiera 1:28:27 Steps to Create and Use Spring Data JPA Repository CRUD REST API’s for Post Resource\ 1:31:23 Create and Set up Spring Boot Project 1:40:15 Create Spring Boot Project Structure 1:44:42 Configure MySQL Database 1:55:23 Creating JPA Entity-Post Entity -Repository -PostRepository 2:11:25 Creating Custom Exception-ResourceNotFoundException 2:17:02 Creating DTO Class-PostDto 2:23:02 Create Post REST API -Overview -Coding 2:38:29 TEST Create Post REST API using Postman client 2:43:45 Get All Posts REST API-Overview -Coding 2:56:40 Get Post By Id REST API-Overview -Coding 3:06:12 Update Post REST API-Overview -Coding 3:18:31 Delete Post REST API-Overview -Coding and Sorting Support\ 3:27:03 Pagination and Sorting Overview 3:31:56 Pagination Support for Get All Posts REST API 3:43:25 Customizing Pagination API Response 3:52:08 Sorting Support for Get All Posts REST API 3:59:19 Ordering in Sorting API-ASC and DESC 4:05:56 Refactoring Hardcoded Values for Paging and Sorting CRUD REST API’s for Comment Resource ( One to Many)\ 4:10:53 Creating JPA Entity-Comment -Repository-CommentRepository 4:25:32 Creating DTO Class-CommentDto 4:28:28 Create Comment REST API 4:42:47 Test Create Comment REST API using Postman Client 4:47:13 Get All Comments By Post Id REST API 4:55:45 Get Comment By Id REST API 5:06:28 Update Comment By Id REST API 5:18:53 Delete Comment REST API ModelMapper-Map Entity to DTO and Vice Versa\ 5:26:32 Map Post Entity to Post DTO using ModelMapper 5:35:20 Map Comment Entity to Comment DTO using ModelMapper 5:38:36 Refactoring GetPostById and GetAllPosts REST API Handling in Spring Boot App\ 5:42:58 Spring Boot REST API Error Handling Overview Boot REST API Validation\ 6:02:59 Validation with Spring Boot-Overview 6:07:35 Validate Create Post and Update Post REST API Request 6:19:54 Customizing Validation Response 6:30:48 Validate Create Comment and Update Comment REST API Request REST APIs\ 6:39:40 Adding Security to Spring Boot and Exploring Security Auto 6:46:57 Implementing Basic Authentication using Spring Security 6:56:48 Securing REST API’s with In-memory Authentication 7:10:17 Create JPA Entities-User and Role ( Many to Many Mapping) 7:23:56 Creating JPA Repositories-UserRepository and RoleRepository 7:30:42 UserDetailsService Interface Implementation 7:39:55 Securing REST API’s with Database Authentication and RegisterSignUp REST APIs\ 7:52:33 LoginSignin REST API 8:03:06 RegisterSignUp REST API (Json Web Tokens)-Securing REST API’s with JWT\ 8:15:24 JWT Introduction 8:24:31 Spring Security JWT Overview 8:27:43 Adding JWT to Spring Boot App 8:33:58 Creating JwtTokenProvider 8:45:14 Creating JwtAuthenticationFilter 8:57:35 Configuring JWT in Spring Security Configuration 9:03:38 Change Signin or Login API to Return JWT REST APIs\ 9:12:42 Versioning REST APIs Overview 9:20:20 Versioning through URI Path- query parameters 9:49:34 Versioning Blog App REST APIs REST API Documentation\ 9:53:44 What is Swagger and Why REST Documentation is Important 9:58:42 Integrating Swagger in Spring Boot App 10:06:15 REST APIs Documentation with Swagger UI 10:11:43 Swagger Docket Configuration in Spring Boot 10:23:49 Configure Swagger UI to include a JWT 10:33:51 Test Spring Boot REST APIs with JWT using Swagger UI 10:43:03 Customizing Swagger REST Documentation with Annotations Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud\ 10:59:53 Spring Boot AWS Deployment Overview 11:02:41 Important AWS Services that Java Developers Should Know 11:10:25 Using Profiles in Spring Boot Blog App 11:18:05 Write a Code to Insert Metadata in Tables 11:25:47 How to Signup and Signin to AWS Account 11:30:05 Set up MySQL Database in AWS cloud using RDS Service 11:36:13 Connect to AWS MySQL Database from MySQL Workbench 11:40:41 Package Spring Boot Blog App as JAR File 11:44:30 Deploy Spring Boot JAR file on AWS Cloud using 11:49:19 Test REST APIs using Swagger UI deployed on AWS Search REST API Step by Step (Added New Section)\ 11:53:13 Create Spring Boot project 11:59:25 Configure MySQL Database
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