Words By: Barbara Symons - Podcast # 16

Barbara Symons Author of: Escaping Christianity ~ Finding Christ and Musings From an Ex Christian Fundamentalist You are but one twelfth of what makes up…YOU. Because you are highly focused in being physical you cannot perceive that there are other aspects to you. All of your physical senses are set to a frequency that only perceives this physical world. To compare, much in the same way this “one” of you has three aspects - physical body, soul or mind and eternal spirit, you are actually a part of a system that has twelve aspects that are set to a frequency above what is typical here. You operate within a very limited bandwidth, sentencing you to perceive with your five senses this physical world alone with very few exceptions. There are twelve others that surround YOU like a great cloud of witnesses. These twelve others are spoken of in some cultural and Biblical stories of the twelve disciples that the Christ finds, develops and gathers about itsel
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