How The 21st Century Changed Journalism

How DNA Freed This Inmate After 37 Years » Subscribe to NowThis World: Studies estimate that thousands of U.S. prisoners are wrongfully incarcerated. So, why are so many innocent people convicted of crimes? Learn More: DNA Exonerations Nationwide “There have been 330 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.“ The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony a talk by Barbara Tversky, Professor of Psychology and George Fisher, Professor of Law One/fisher& “In a presentation sponsored by the Stanford Journal of Legal Studies, George Fisher placed Barbara Tversky’s research on memory fallibility into the context of police investigations and jury verdicts, discussing the relevance of such research to our system of justice.“ Why some faces won’t be remembered: brain potentials illuminate successful versus unsuccessful encoding for same-race and other-race faces “Memory is often less accurate for faces from another racial group than for faces from one’s own racial group.“ Wisconsin Innocence Project “Each year the Wisconsin Innocence Project and other members of the Innocence Network learn more about the causes of wrongful convictions.“ _________________________ NowThis World is dedicated to bringing you topical explainers about the world around you. Each week we’ll be exploring current stories in international news, by examining the facts, providing historical context, and outlining the key players involved. We’ll also highlight powerful countries, ideologies, influential leaders, and ongoing global conflicts that are shaping the current landscape of the international community across the globe today. More from NowThis: » Subscribe to NowThis News: » Like NowThis World on Facebook: » Connect with Judah: Follow @judah_robinson on Twitter – Facebook: » Connect with Versha: Follow @versharma on Twitter – Facebook:
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