(18+) The Shocking Horror Colouring Book By Juan & Santiago Calle FLIPTHROUGH + Birthday Shout Out!
Terrifying deities, unspeakable demons and nightmare visions fill the pages of this spine-chilling colouring book.
Inspired by Lovecraftian fantasy, classic horror movies and ancient myths, this collection of over 60 designs will transport you to uncharted plains of existence. Inside you will find otherworldly horrors, spliced creatures, satanic rituals, reanimated corpses, killer clowns, axe murderers and more. The original artwork has been illustrated by Juan and Santiago Calle and appears on single-sided pages to prevent bleed-through.
So grab your corpse-crimsons, brain-tissue-purples and grey-matter greys and bring these images to life, if you’ve got the guts...
GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!!: =sr_1_1?crid=1GAXZJJ6HMJZ8&keywords=SHOCKING HORROR BY JUAN & SANTIAGO CALLE&qid=1706095669&sprefix=shocking horror by juan & santiago calle,aps,63&sr=8-1
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If you wish to contact me in regards to reviewing your books please contact me through my email which is - janeorwin1987@ and i will reply asap. (PLEASE NO AI BOOKS I ONLY SUPPORT TRUE ARTISTS TRADITIONAL/DIGITAL HANDRAWN ARTISTS, THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING)
Music: Bewitched
Musician: SoulProdMusic
Music: Halloween
Musician: SoulProdMusic