The Cleaning Process or Time Travel in 100 swabs

Support for this video comes from Skillshare The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: Support me on Patreon -- Time is a curious beast. Regardless of who we are and what we desire, time passes and takes no quarter. And while we know this and are acutely aware of the passing of time, as those grains of sand accumulate our ability to grasp them slips through our fingers like well, grains of sand. Sometimes the only marker of time passed by is change. For change is the evidence of time. And much like we don’t see ourselves going gray in the mirror daily, we are shocked to see an old friend who is now salt and pepper for it seems so sudden. We look around our homes and can’t see the curtains bleached from the sun, the carpet less fluffy than the day we rolled around on it after installation. Even the plants in our gardens appear suddenly taller and m
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