Zersetzung methods were designed to break down, undermine, and paralyze people behind “a facade of social normality“ in a form of “silent repression“. The Stasi used operational psychology and its extensive network of between 5 TO 10 MILLION with the advancement of technology. Informal collaborators (inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) to launch personalized psychological attacks against targets to damage their mental health and lower chances of a “hostile action“ against the state. The use of Zersetzung published after the Berlin wall fell, NOW USED AGAINST THOSE WITH FAKE REFUGEE OR ASYLUM PAPERS PRESENTED BY CDU SPD AND POLIZEI with several thousands or up to 500000 individuals estimated to have become victims. CDU AND SPD USE OF ZERSETZUNG produced on the basis of a root cause analysis of the facts and the exact definition of a concrete goal OF EXTERMINATION OF INDIVIDUALS. . Zersetzung must be executed in a uniform and supervised manner. The political explosive force of Zersetzung heightens demands regarding the maintenance of secrecy OF TORTURING AND KILLING HUMANS DEMANDED TO SIGN FAKE ASYL DOCUMENTS. LIKE DENYING THE HOLOCAUST. IT APPEARS CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS 3 YEARS OLD TO 90 YEARS OLD ARE AWARE THIS EXISTS. GERMANY IS SUPPOSED TO ADHERE TO THE UN CHARTER BUT UN BONN IS COLLUDING USING ZERSETZIUNG. The GDR signed the Basic Treaty, 1972 with West Germany to respect human rights, or at least announce its intention to do so, and the Helsinki accords in 1975 WHICH HAS NOW BEEN RIPPED UP AND GERMANY IS THE DUMPING GROUND FOR HUMANS FAKING HUMAN RIGHTS, WIN AWARDS FAKE HUMAN RIGHTS AND EXTERMINATE HUMANS REGARDLESS OF RACE. REFUGEES NOT JEWISH. THEN GET PAID AND RECONSTRUCT GERMANY. BLOCKING INTERNET IN EVERY BUILDING UNDER MASS CENSORSHIP. THIS ISOLATE HUMANS FROM THEIR OWN COUNTRIES AND ALLOWS GERMANY TO TORTURE AT WILL AND CONDUCT DESPICABLE NON HUMAN LIKE ATTACKS. Almost all Stasi departments were involved in Zersetzung operations, although first and foremost amongst these was the headquarters of the Stasi’s directorate XX (Hauptabteilung XX) in Berlin, and its divisional offices in regional and municipal government. The function of the headquarters and Abteilung XXs was to maintain surveillance of religious communities; cultural and media establishments; alternative political parties; the GDR’s many political establishment-affiliated mass social organizations; sport; and education and health services. THEY BROUGHT MILLIONS TO GERMANY UNDER AND ILLUSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND SLAUGHTERED PEOPLE. THE AMOUNT OF INFORMANTS IN IS MILLIONS. COMPLETE MILITANT STATE WILL TO DO ANYTHING WITH HUMANS.
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