Two brothers were going there / Там шли два брата (Kamassian lyrics/ текст на камасинском языке)

Kamassian discord for learning: there went two brothers - дибəр шиде кағазаӈ мимбиигий Coming back from the Turkish front - дишиде туртсин фронтағө´ шобиигəй Coming back from the Turkish front home - дишиде туртсин фронтағө´ тураған шобиигий As soon as we’ve crossed the polish border- камəн миште Польский гран´əн камбиибӱй Polish army has attacked us for three times Польский армия миштем наағуруӈ атакаби attacked, attacked: атакаби атакаби they have wounded my chest: дизеӈ ман ӄуйем изембийǝ´ my wounds hurt: меерӱзаӈба иземби one wound is gathering: о´б меерӱ öзере another one is healing: башка дьазире the third one is fatal: наағурго кутлǝй but I have children at home: но ессеӈəм тураған мольем my young wife: джеет нӱкем she is waiting (impatiently), ди, едə´ле ( I accidentaly wrote дим in the video) my (dear) sister: сьестрам give me ( a list of clear) paper: ми´ мана сазəн I’ll write a letter to my relatives: ман ээрдə пьаӈдельам My father will read it: абам
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