🌶 30 Min LEGS & THIGHS Workout with Dumbbells | Inner & Outer Thighs, Hamstrings, Quads & Booty

Today, we are doing a sweaty 30 minute lower body workout with dumbbells. The focus today is on our quads, hamstrings & inner & outer thighs, but all the muscles in our lower body will be getting a great workout. - SUGGESTED WARMUP: - EQUIPMENT: For this lower body workout, I will be using the following equipment: 2 X 35 LBS [16 KG] BENCH/CHAIR We will perform this lower body workout in the following format: - 40 seconds per exercise - 10 or 20 seconds break between exercises As always, the timer is just a suggestion - please feel free to pause this workout and take your time. Make sure your pelvis remains in neutral position for the workout (do not stick your butt out!). For all exercises, keep your core nice and tight throughout. Thank you for joining & hope you enjoyed this legs & thighs workout! Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. V
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