25% of all living things on earth are beetles

25% of all living things on earth are beetles Beetles, those familiar, hard-shelled insects, represent a remarkable and astonishingly dominant group in the world of life on Earth. In fact, they make up a jaw-dropping percentage of all known species. Estimates suggest that beetles constitute approximately 25% of all known life forms on our planet. With over 350,000 identified species and possibly millions more waiting to be discovered and classified, beetles showcase the incredible diversity and adaptability of life. They occupy a myriad of ecological niches, from lush rainforests to arid deserts, and play vital roles in ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, and predators. The prevalence of beetles in the tree of life highlights the vastness of Earth’s biodiversity and reminds us of the intricate web of interactions that make our planet so wonderfully diverse and interconnected. So, the next time you spot a beetle, remember that you’re encountering a member of one of the most pro
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