Реконструкция лица Алиеноры Аквитанской по надгробию в аббатстве Фонтевро
*Project requested by user/WinefrideofWales
She was one of the most powerful women of the Middle Ages. As the daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine, the duchess (born 1122?) received a first-class education and was brought up in one of Europe’s most aristocratic courts. The duchess became an heiress at the age of 15 after the death of her only brother and her father in 1137.
Eleanor married Louis VII of France that same year and in the course of time bore him two daughters. Despite this, their marriage was fraught with problems, which was compounded by the fact that Louis was determined to have a son as an heir. Five years after Louis’s failed crusade to Constantinople and Jerusalem, he and Eleanor divorced in 1152.
Surprisingly rapidly (at least to modern eyes) Eleanor married Henry of Anjou only two months after the divorce to Louis VII. Henry was soon crowned King of England in 1154, and with Eleanor at his side became father to three daughters and five sons in all over the next 2