Thirteen anti-Castro guerrillas who were arrested (4 December ) in a boat heading out of the Florida keys for Cuba have been release from jail (5 December) at Key West, Florida. Description 1. 13 men out of plane 2. 3 shots men standing and talking 3. Gerald Hemming being interviewed FILM SHOWS men getting off plane in Miami, standing around and talking, and leader Gerald Hemming being interviewed. Background: Thirteen anti-Castro guerrillas who were arrested (4 December ) in a boat heading out of the Florida keys for Cuba have been release from jail (5 December) at Key West, Florida. They are accused of violating the American neutrality act. The men were released on their own recognizance, without bond. One of them remained in Key West, in a hospital, to continue treatment for a broken ankle he said he suffered in a practice parachute jump. The other 12 men flew to Miami with their attorney. Newsmen were on hand when their plane landed in Miami. The guerrillas’ leader, bearded 6-foot 7-inch tall Gerald Hemming, was interviewed. Hemming, who says he once fought alongside Fidel Castro denied that he was leading his men on an attack on Cuba. DATE: 06/12/1962
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