Hot Drivers Cold Cars (1960)

Item title reads - Hot drivers, cold cars! Hamburg, Germany. M/S of man “Herr Fumff“ leaving his house on a snowy morning, he puts his hands up in the air and stands looking at his car which is completely snowed under. He walks back to another man who is clearing the path of snow. He takes the man’s shovel and broom and uses them to shovel snow from the car’s wheels. M/S as he walks away from the car, lays the shovel down and picks the handbrush up. He starts sweeping the windscreen then stops as he realises a man and woman are sat in the car. He waves his broom at them and they shout back at him. He walks around to the front of the car and sweeps the snow off the number plate, he realises his mistake and goes to pick up the shovel, but slips on the kerb and falls on his face. He picks himself up, then the shovel, and walks towards the right car where he begins to sweep snow off the windscreen. Various speeded up shots as he clears the car. C/U of his hands brushing snow from the lock on the do
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