Are We out of Kali Yuga?

On Dec 08 2018, a subscriber to our channel asked a question on Yugas - “I’d love some information that Guruji has about the Yugas. i read a little of Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri which says we are not in Kali Yuga or moving out of it but I don’t really understand. Many Babas and Swamis of Sri Lanka and India have told me we are in fact in Kali Yuga“. This question was then posed to Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji, in a program in Cuttack, India, in January 2019. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji is the current Guru of an unbroken lineage of Kriya Yoga masters which includes Swami Sriyukteshwarji. Watch Paramahamsaji tell us about the progression of Yugas with a simple analogy and also answer the question of the seeker.
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