Village of Kamunta. North Ossetia mountains. Russia. Full HD
0:00 Road to Kamunta
0:40 Kamunta
2:20 The Great Silk Road
3:10 The Immortal Regiment
3:35 The Dog Rock
5:35 The painting of Maharbek Tuganov
5:50 Views from the Dog Rock
The village of Kamunta is the highest mountain village in North Ossetia! It is located in the Digorsky Gorge at an altitude of 1934 meters above sea level.
They named the village in honor of one of the first people who settled in this area ... And his name was Kamun.
Scientists trace the origin of the ancient settlement Kamunta to the late Bronze Age - that is about one and a half millennia before Christ.
Just imagine that! One and a half thousand years before Christ! Therefore, when you walk through the narrow, rocky streets of the village, you are seized by an inexplicable excitement... You have the feeling of standing on the edge of a precipice, on the steep slope of the rock of time, and looking suspiciously into the swirling darkness of world history...
A thousand and a half years before the birth of Christ lived a simple man... Ossetian... Alan... his name was Kamun... Almost four thousand years have passed, and his name still lives... is not it a miracle?!
Once upon a time, in the early days of Alans, Kamunta flourished... For the village was located directly on one of the most important trade routes between China and Russia, on the famous Great Silk Road.
According to our guide Alan, the road that runs along the opposite slope of the gorge is part of the former Great Silk Road.
Around the village there are numerous burial sites, where archeologists have found a large number of jewelry of the Alan tribal nobility, ceramics, coins, and so on.
At present, only 16 people live in Kamunta. However, on holidays due visits of guests and relatives, this number increases to 27.
Another interesting fact is that Kamunta village is listed in the Russian Book of Records as a record holder, as on May 9, 2016 the Immortal Regiment parade took place in Kamunta. The staff of the book recorded the highest mountain procession of the Immortal Regiment in Russia.
And we climb to the top of the mountain where the village of Kamunta is located. About 2,000 meters above sea level. Locals call this place the Dog Rock.
The Dog Rock is a rocky outlier that stands on the very edge of a cliff. In ancient times, criminals sentenced to death were thrown from this rock. Such execution was considered the most humane. Moreover, the execution of the sentence was always entrusted to the relatives of the offender, in order to exclude a blood feud with the executors.
Why was the rock called a dog? No, not because it looks like a dog ... literally translated from Ossetian, it sounds like “A place to throw dogs“ ... And if you consider that people usually call criminals lousy dogs - everything immediately becomes their place ...
It is clear that in Ossetia there was more than one such rock with a similar name.
However, it should be noted that such a cruel punishment was not often used, but only for very serious crimes. In Ossetia the following were considered as such ...
Intentional spreading of contagious diseases
Violation of the custom of hospitality, i.e. murder or robbery of a guest
The painting you saw at the beginning of my story about the Dog Rock is by the famous Ossetian artist Maharbek Tuganov. It is called “Dog Rock.“
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