Английский язык 11 класс (Урок№21 - Injuries.)

Английский язык 11 класс Урок№21 - Injuries. Injuries Have you ever seen an accident? Have you ever been the witness of an amazing rescue? Have you ever made a life or death decision? If your answer is “yes”, you know what danger is. Danger – the possibility, that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed or killed. мы узнаем: правила образования пассивного залога; мы научимся: использовать в речи высказывания в пассивном залоге; мы сможем: рассказать о различных травмах. Sometimes you can get into a dangerous situation, when you have to risk your life, face with agonizing decision or fight against all odds. You can even get injuries. There are different kinds of injuries. You can fracture your ankle - сломать лодыжку сut your finger - порезать палец Sprain your wrist - растянуть запястье Scratch your face - поцарапать лицо Bruise your knee - поставить синяк на колене As a result, you can have a swollen neck -
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