Royal Tour Of Canada (1951)

Unissued / unused material. Princess Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II) and Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) on Royal Tour of Canada - Saskatoon to Montreal. LS University of Saskatchewan. Royal car arrives. Elizabeth signs visitors’ book. Crowds waving. St. John’s cathedral. Elizabeth and Philip arrive by car and go into church. Crowds. Elizabeth and Philip come out of church. MS Fort Williams welcome sign. MS Elizabeth and Philip get out of car with plastic hood. Crowds. Various shots Elizabeth and Philip at Ojibway Indian Encampment, they receive gift for Prince Charles from Native Canadian Jane Bannan. Elizabeth and Philip speak to Native Canadians. Elizabeth and Philip get down from aeroplane at North Bay, Elizabeth receives bouquet from small girl. Various shots Elizabeth and Philip meeting Dionne Quins (Dionne Quintuplets) - they are all dressed in matching suits. Elizabeth and Philip get into aeroplane. MS crest of McGill University, Montreal. LSs students waving. LS caval
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