Learn Spanish in 20 minutes: 20 easy Spanish sentences you need to know!
¡Cállate y escúchame! Shut up and listen to me! In this video you will learn many one-word sentences in Spanish so you can give orders, express yourself with fewer words in Spanish, and learn to use Spanish direct and indirect object pronouns that are attached to the Spanish verbs. All this in one short video? Sí. The type of Spanish sentences you will learn in this video will help you speak Spanish like a true Spanish speaker. This Spanish class will also help you understand why and how the Spanish language allows us to attach pronouns to certain verbs, making a sentence very short. So for example, “listen to me“ in Spanish would be “escúchame”. “Ask her“ would be pregúntale. Just like these two, one-word sentences, I am going to teach you many more so you can speak Spanish flawlessly, and with confidence.
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