Chinese hsk test - hsk level 3 (listening no.1) |Learn Chinese from A-Z
🍒You are watching HSK level 3 (Listening test number 1), created by LEARN CHINESE FROM A TO Z.
🍒 Listening test have 4 part, (40 items, duration about 35 minutes)
- Part 1: 10 questions
- Part 2: 10questions
- Part 3: 10 questions
- Part 4: 10 questions
* You have 5 minutes to filling out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet)
🍒We include a stop watch that make you feel like a real test. After watching this video you will understand the layout of the HSK3 listening test.
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈HSK level 3: The test will last for 90 minutes in total (including 5 minutes in which test takers fill in personal information).
- Required vocabulary: 600
- There are 3 sections in HSK 3 test, consist 80 questions, duration about 85 minutes.
☘️☘️☘️1. Listening 4 part, (40 items, duration about 35 minutes)
- Part 1: 10 questions
- Part 2: 10questions
- Part 3: 10 questions
- Part 4: 10 questions
* You have 5 minutes to filling out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet)
☘️☘️☘️2. Reading 3 part (30 items, about 30 minutes)
- Part 1: 10 questions
- Part 2: 10 questions
- Part 3: 10 questions
☘️☘️☘️2. Writing 2 part (10 items, about 15 minutes)
- Part 1: 5 questions
- Part 2: 5 questions
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Test Structure for HSK (Level 3)
☘️☘️☘️1. Listening
💧Part 1: Consist 10 questions.
Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each question is a dialogue. Several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she has heard.
💧Part 2: Consist 10 questions.
Test takers will listen to each question twice. For each item, one person says a short paragraph and the other person says a sentence based on the paragraph. The sentence is also given on the test paper and test takers should judge if its content is right or wrong.
💧Part 3: Consist 10 questions.
Test takers will listen to each question twice. For each item, two persons make a dialogue of two sentences, and another person will raise a question based on the dialogue. 3 options are given on the test paper and test takers should select the right answer based on what he/she has heard.
💧Part 4: Consist 10 questions.
Test takers will listen to each question twice. For each question, two persons make a dialogue of 4 to 5 sentences and another person will raise a question based on the dialogue. 3 options are given on the test paper and test takers should select the right answer based on what he/she has heard.
☘️☘️☘️ 2. Reading
💧Part 1: Consist 10 questions.
20 sentences are given and test takers should find out the match up relationship.
💧Part 2: Contains 10 questions.
For each item, one or two sentences are given with one blank, and test takers should select the best choice from the options offered to make the sentence(s) complete.
💧Part 3: Contains 10 items.
10 short passages are given, with each containing one question, and test takers should select the right answer from 3 options.
☘️☘️☘️ 3. Writing
💧Part 1: Consist 5questions.
For each item, several Chinese words are given and test takers are required to write a sentence with these words.
💧Part 2: Contains 5 questions.
For each item, a sentence with one blank is given and test takers are required to fill in the blank with the right Chinese characters.
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Some information about HSK exam
-HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or the Chinese Proficiency Test is an international standardized exam which tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. It evaluates Chinese language abilities for non-native Chinese speakers in term of using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK test was launched in 1984. In 1991, the first HSK test was held outside of China. Since then, the HSK test centers have set up in China and countries all over the world. Good luck, hope you guy can watching film without sub :D
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