Contagious Laughter

in this weeks episode, two history professors reimagine scenes from a time long past. join us on our historical journey. we do super funny parody skits like Gus Johnson, cherdleys, and Ian Kung, we play video game let’s plays like SuperMega and Game Grumps, we go on rants like iDubbbz, JonTron, NakeyJakey and h3h3, and we draw funny stuff like Berd and Ice Cream Sandwich but we are NOT SuperMega, Gus Johnson, Ian kung, cherdleys, iDubbbz, JonTron, NakeyJakey, Game Grumps, Berd or Ice Cream Sandwich. and also we definitely did not list all of these names because of the youtube algorithm. thanks for watching. don’t subscribe. buzz off. bye.
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