Camera Interviews - Miss Aileen Riggin (1928)

No title. First intertitle reads: “Permit us - Miss Riggin - “ M/S of woman in baggy black swimsuit standing on a diving board, her back to the swimming pool. Top shot of Aileen Riggin standing on the board. She dives off backwards. “Miss Riggin says this dive is a “swan“ dive, but her friend Mr Howercroft, the well-known Coach and Writer, calls it “A swallow“ - so take your choice.“ We see the dive, first at normal speed then in slow motion. Aileen demonstrates what she calls a front jack-knife and what her coach calls a pike dive. A back dive is then shown and then a full twist (in which Miss Riggin excels). Various shots of Miss Riggin’s jack-knife. “Difficult and dangerous to execute - the half-gainer. (Slow-motion reveals how close a diver’s head is to the board.)“ From a higher board we see Miss Riggin’s spectacular 1 1/2 front somersault “a real poem of motion.“ Was originally an item in Eve’s Film Review issue number 382. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OU
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