Space control program fails as U.S. proposal to block Russia and China at U.N. is opposed!

Hello and welcome to Deepin Moments:In this latest news update, I’m Elizabeth, and we dive into the significant transformations happening on the global stage. Over the past weeks, the United Nations has faced challenges in the Middle East, largely due to resistance from the United States. But November brings a change as China takes the helm as the rotating President of the United Nations Security Council. The world is witnessing a rare moment of international cooperation as the United Nations General Assembly passes resolutions on preventing an arms race in outer space, proposed by countries like China and Russia. These efforts are crucial as the United States, along with Russia and China, deploys military assets in space, setting the stage for a space arms race. With the United States struggling to keep pace in the aerospace field and ongoing debates about anti-satellite tests, international tensions are on the rise. As the U.S. shifts its focus from arms control talks with Russia to China, questions about the “Chinese nuclear threat“ emerge, with many countries resisting this narrative. President Biden’s call for a ’new world order’ sparks a debate, with Russia expressing both agreement and skepticism. The vision of a new world order is in the air, but the question remains: can it be established without comprehensive U.S. involvement?
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