100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE

Who are the modern European people and where did they come from? The following is a list which undoubtedly proves the ancient lsraelites were white. That the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic European people today are in fact the true and only descendants of lsrael who inherited all the promises made to our forefathers. That virtually all of the Bible Prophecies are centered around the modern white race today spread through out the whole world. The list contains a mixture of scripture, bible verses both old and new testament and also historical study. For more Info visit Proofs List 1-10 - The Saxons meaning - The 10 commandments - America Flag’s 13 stripes - To spread across the whole world - To be known as Christians - New home to be northwest - Meaning of the name Adam - Christ sent the Apostles where - Who spread the Gospel? - A new language 11-20 - Paul’s Letters were to Europeans - The Abrahamic
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