Yung Mal & Slimelife Shawty Type Beat “HIT EM“

💸 Get 2 Leases For $20 (Buy 1 Get 1 Free) Free for non-profit use only. Must Credit (Prod. Kiddo) Connect with me: 📧Email | kiddogeniusbeats@ 📸Instagram | 🗒 Lease info: 0:00 - Intro 0:12 - Hook 0:36 - Verse 1:14 - Hook 2 1:38 - Verse 2 2:03 - Outro (FREE) Yung Mal & Slimelife Shawty Type Beat “HIT EM“ (HARD) #YungMalTypeBeat , #SlimelifeShawtyTypeBeat , #PyrexWhippaTypeBeat IGNORE THIS ⬇ lil gotit type beat, lil gotit type beat 2021, lil gotit hard type beat 2021, lil gotit hard type beat, lil gotit hard bass type beat, lil gotit bass type beat, lil gotit hard instrumental, top chef gotit type beat, lil gotit playa chanel type beat, lil gotit type beats, lil gotit type beat top chef, lil gotit top chef type beat, g herbo type beat, g herbo t
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