The California Genocide: 1846 to 1873 - Over 70 Indigenous Tribes, Peoples & Branches

This video is for “The California Genocide “, a brutal and “savage“ massacre list of over 70 Indigenous Tribes , Peoples & Branches.. which took place from 1846 to 1873.. , in California. *All the songs borrowed in this video are about: “genocide“.., Indigenous injustices.. and the brutal colonization of “Turtle Island“. With over 70 tribes involved, I would never get them all in, in the time allowed, so I thought I would choose songs that deal with the subject matter. No disrespect intended. - Miigwetch! There are also more videos in this channel for: “The Wounded Knee Masssacre“., “The Choctaw Trail Of Tears“.., “The Potawatomi Trail Of Death“..; “Wounded Knee Seize - 1973“..; “The Camp Grant Massacre“.. and many more Indigenous historical events. ------------------------------------------------- “The California Genocide“ refers to actions in the mid to late 19th centur
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