Grey Aliens Seeding Planets

I gave a short talk to eight people on my Alien Agendas Meetup group on July 17, 2021 on Zoom about my view on the biggest of the big picture, on how power flows downwards from aliens to human governments to the man in the street. I did this reading from Chapter 22: Seeding Planets, page 186 of Suzy Hansen’s book, “The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement“. Disclaimer: We do not represent the views of Suzy Hansen. Those of us who have studied her work have our own theories about how to interpret it. You can buy Suzy Hansen’s book. It is “The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement“ at: or Kindle Edition I have studied ufology for about 3,000 hours since 2006. Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channel to spread the word. There’s no copyright issue. Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos! All video playlists: or click on “The Brian Ruhe Show“ and scroll down. Donate: Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe Volunteer your time. Be part of a group. My website: MP3 audios and video at: My priorities: Flickr: @N07 My three books are available at Amazon. ruhe&crid=1ZU2U0DOIY0QG&sprefix=,aps,101&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent Phone into Brian Ruhe’s live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at
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