Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction (Official Video with lyrics)

Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction (Official Video with lyrics) If the lyrics, subtitle does not show up then turn on the closed captions! The official, original video clip of ’Stranger Than Fiction’ from the eighth album of Bad Religion from 1994 with lyrics. ’Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction’ lyrics: A febrile Violent smack And the children are hoping for a heart-attack Tonight the windows are watching The streets all conspire And the lamp-post can’t stop crying If I could fly high above the world Would I see a bunch of living dots spell the word stupidity Or would I see hungry lover homicides Loving brother suicides And Ally Ally Oxenfrees Who pick a side and hide? The world is scratching at my door My morning paper’s got the scores The human interest stories And the obituary Oh yeah Cockroach naps, rattling traps How many devils can you fit upon a match head? Caringosity killed the Kerouac cat Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction In my alley around the corner There’s a wino
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