Experimenting with Tenebrism | Portrait Practice

Tenebrism is a classical technique used by masters to create paintings with dramatic lighting. I tried to apply the idea of tenebrism to this portrait. I am still learning how I like to paint portraits- I remember struggling to paint his eyelashes, but overall I think it turned out nice. The next projects I have planned build off of what I learned in this portrait, and I am looking forward to finishing those soon as well! It’s going to be a while, but I’m ready for the challenge and excited to get more practice in. One of the things that inspired me to try and use tenebrism for this portrait is one of my favorite artists, Michelangelo Caravaggio. I was working on a master study of one of his paintings when this project came about, but that painting has since been put on hold. The underpainting is well oxidized at this point, I should probably jump back into that one soon. Hopefully I can have that one finished in a couple of months and be able to share the process! If you are interes
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