TWO LANES – Satie: Pièces froides: II. Danses de travers, 2. Passer (Two Lanes Rework)

Listen or pre-order your copy of Fragments here: ⁠ Find out more about FRAGMENTS here: Deutsche Grammophon introduces the genre-defying project Fragments, an invitation from Deutsche Grammophon for twelve leading electronic artists to respond to a single composer. With one single released each month, Fragments gradually builds over the course of a year. From ambient music to conceptual art, minimalism to rock, Satie’s music made its mark. Who better, then, to be the first figure explored in Fragments, creating a portrait of Satie for the 21st century. First up to take the challenge are Berlin-based electronica duo Two Lanes, known for music rich in both acoustic and electronic elements. Based on the same work from the composer’s Pièces froides (“Cold Pieces”), their “Danses de travers No. 2” launches the series.
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