How to prepare organic and delicious paste from mountain pomegranate?!🏚

Wild pomegranate is one of the fruits that grow in the forests around our village; The villagers pick a large amount of these pomegranates every year and cook organic and delicious pomegranate paste with them, which is an excellent seasoning for our rural dishes. The grandmother also goes to the forest with the village girl to pick pomegranates every year and then cooks a delicious pomegranate paste in the forest hut with the collected pomegranates. After cooking pomegranate paste, they use it as a seasoning in cooking dinner; Pomegranate paste gives a very good taste to “shami kabab“, they prepare this shami from fresh minced meat and onions and add pomegranate paste to it when frying. This delicious dish is served with boiled rice and can be used at parties and village gatherings I hope you enjoy watching it and support us with likes and comments.
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