Trusted Surveillance Part 7/8 - Enemy of The State

This is Part 7 of 8 in a drastically edited and annotated version of the movie: ENEMY OF THE STATE The point of my comments - which appear as subtitles throughout - is to illustrate how Trusted Surveillance can protect us against abuse of such tools by the State. Trusted Surveillance is the exact opposite of what we increasingly see around us today. Instead of spooks and others watching us, we watch ourselves and them. The aim is to protect our privacy and liberty, whilst capturing the valuable data which can be useful against real enemies when necessary. The main technical requirement is anonymisation of the data and abolition of central databases containing sensitive data to which thousands require regular access. This will be relatively easy. The main political requirement is the transfer of control from politicians to We The People, primarily, for the Trusted Surveillance system, in the form of appropriately selected Juries. This will be difficult. If you want to know more or to help develop this meme and/or the system itself, please visit
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