Talk on Mental Projection & answers to profound questions of yogis, 4 7 1982, London, U K

Dear Yogis, Its a long video of H.H. Shri Mataji’s informal interaction with yogis and SHE has divulged so many helpful information in it which are essential for us to grow deeper. While watching, it is suggested to read its text transcription as sound quality is noisy. ..“So to stop all this useless mental activity one has to understand that Kundalini must be kept jetting out of your Brahmarandra. By mental projection you cannot raise kundalini. That you know, you cannot keep it there. So what technique of the Divine you know you should use that and keep your Kundalini on a level where it is emerging out of your sahastrara and your hands should feel the vibrations.“..... H.H. Shri Mataji Link for text: projection
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