Esra & Ozan | Fire on Fire

watch it in hd and earbuds if you have taste! I don’t even know what to say, I worked kind of hard on this so I hope it turned out okay! This video is dedicated to my new found moots and friends I met in the ASKmi fandom! I joined the fandom hella late but they were some of the first people I clicked with! I love y’all and die laughing every day with y’all! What do we think is gonna happen in tomorrow’s episode? Thoughts? If you liked it please comment or just give a like! Thank you! I appreciate you all! Follow me on twitter for content and jokes! @K3ZLYN2 Backup; Follow! #AşkMantıkİntikam #EsZan #EsraandOzan #İlhanŞen #BurcuÖzberk
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