Golang Tutorial : Go Full Course - YouTube

I created this Golang tutorial to be the definitive course. I provide in this full course more information than you can get in any book. The table of contents follows below. Both the core language and numerous projects are provided to help you master Go. Also there is only one 5 second ad, so nothing will get in the way of your learning process! Go is one of the fastest growing languages and for good reason. Go makes it very easy to write fast code without having to tweak with the code. The code is understandable, efficient, excels at concurrency, provides great backend support for web apps, handles errors much like Rust and manages memory efficiently. Get the Code : Best Go Book : MY UDEMY COURSES ARE 87.5% OFF TIL September 3rd ($) ➡️ Python Data Science Series for $ : Highest Rated & Largest Python Udemy Course 56 Hrs 200 Videos Data Science
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