30 Minute TRX and Mini Band Upper Body Strength Workout | Tri Sets | Low Impact

Grab your suspension trainer and a very light mini band for this 30 minute full upper body strength and workout. Today’s focus is the entire upper body and today’s format is tri-sets. We will perform 3 exercises at a time and perform each tri-set twice. The first round we will perform each exercise for 75 seconds each. We will perform this round with the mini band slightly above the wrists and maintain a 3 second eccentric and concentric throughout. During this round really focus feeling the intended muscle group work. After the third exercise, we will have 15 seconds to recover and repeat but with a twist - For the second round, we will perform the same exercise without the mini band and at a normal tempo for only 45 seconds. This may feel like a tri “drop“ set. If fatigue sets in and/or form starts to slip, feel free to rest/pause when needed. After each tri-set we will get 15 seconds to recover before moving onto a new tri-set. All (but one exercise at the very end includes the suspe
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