Συρία 14 12 2018 Ρώσσοι περικυκλώνουν τους Αμερικανούς στο Τανφ - τριεθνές με Ιράκ, Ιορδανία

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – DEC. 14, 2018: RUSSIAN FORCES START SIEGE OF US BASE IN AT-TANF Russian forces have established several military positions near the US-controlled zone of at-Tanf, pro-government media activists reported on December 12. A source familiar with the situation, told SouthFront that several air-defense systems and other military equipment were deployed at the Russian positions. More weapons, including heavy rocket launchers, are reportedly expected to arrive there in the upcoming few days. The Saudi London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat even claimed that Russia is going to deploy an S-300 system to the province of Deir Ezzor. However, this type of rumors is common for the Saudi outlet, which has been actively working to fuel tensions between the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance and the US-Israeli-led bloc as well as between Russia and Iran.
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