Col. Douglas Mcgregor: Washington Criminal Minds Are Leading Us To WWIII

@CurrentAffairsInsider Join Colonel Douglas McGregor as he delves into the various global tensions impacting the United States and beyond. In this thought-provoking discussion, Colonel McGregor offers insights on the slow build-up of conflicts, the role of neoconservatism, and the potential for a third world war. From geopolitical dynamics to economic ramifications, every aspect is scrutinized with depth and clarity. As the conversation unfolds, topics range from the complexities of international relations to the challenges faced at the US-Mexico border. With candor and expertise, Colonel McGregor addresses concerns surrounding national security, constitutional values, and the need for a unified approach in American politics. Explore the nuances of contemporary issues and discover perspectives that challenge conventional narratives. Join the conversation and contribute to shaping the discourse on critical global affairs. Visit to learn more about our mission and jo
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