How to find a number of alleles controlling the trait

Genetic and Environmental Effects on Quantitative Traits As you know, if the allelic interactions known for a particular gene the genotype can be used to predict the phenotype. With one gene controlling a trait we have three possible genotypes, AA, Aa and aa and depending on the allelic interactions (dominance or incomplete dominance) we can have two or three phenotypes. As more and more genes control a trait, a greater number of genotypes are possible. The formula that predicts the number of genotypes from the number of genes is 3 to the power n. (n is the number of genes.) The following is the number of genotypes for a selected number (n) of genes which control an arbitrary trait. # of Genes # of Genotypes 1 3 2 9 5 243 10 59,049 #PhenotypicTrait #Allele #gene #genotype #phenotype #allelic #dominance #incompleteDominance #QuantitativeTraitLocus #PolygenicInheritance #polygenicInheritanceExample #whatIsPolygenicInheritance #normalDistributionCurve #incompletelyDominantTraits #additiveEffect #genetics #exampleOfPolygenicInheritance #heightInhertiance #heightTraitInheritance #polygene #polygeneAndAdditiveEffect #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #punnettSquares #codominance #epistasis #polygenic
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