Hippos Save Wildebeest from Crocodiles!

Incredible footage showing some rare interactions, captured on a safari with Chasin’ Africa Safaris (Book with them here: ) at one of the top dams in Kruger, Gezanftombi Dam, near Crocodile Bridge. Chase told of this ordeal: “We stopped to watch all the animals come down to drink and saw a cool heron surfing on the back of a hippo, it was an enjoyable sight having all the different species around. Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: An unsuspecting group of wildebeest sauntered down to the water’s edge for a drink when a huge crocodile jumped right out and immediately grabbed one of the wildebeest, keeping its jaws locked on the animals head. Next moment another croc raced in to try and get something off the menu. The hippos close by seemed to be very perturbed by what was happening and it looked for a moment as if they also wanted to join in on this kill.
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