For more beautiful poems by Khan Eagle, please subscribe the channel and visit his Amazon page The Songs of Eagles: Poetry by Eagle Soul Man =cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_R3J2MMBJH9VGY4TK0JRJ A review on Amazon Maria J. 5* Khan Eagle’s Poetry is the knoweledge of Beauty. After reading and rereading “ The Songs of Eagles“ and “ The Songs of Soul“ they are definitely the best poetry books I have ever read. In my opinion I can say that Khan Eagle is the best Poet of our times. His delicate and exquisite writing can be compared definitely with the most famous Poets incluiding Shakespeare. .. (You can read rest of the review on Amazon) I AM LOOKING FOR YOU In my most desolate dreams In the purity of your absence In a dervish’s transcendence I am looking for you In the breath of daylights In the screams of nights In the flood of my tears I am looking for you On the verge of a forked path On
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